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Kedlington to Gath (For Umbron) - BETA

By Doctor Ratchet Rarijack

Version 1.5

Covering a lots of towns and villages with little parts of countryside. Go and travel along the coast entering the midland area linking to many other train lines. In the 1900s AC power was introduced in the northern part of South Darkenshire covering most of the mainline services, with DC power on the southern part. In the north-west has the Umbron Loop, operating every 15 minutes in either direction ever since the 1920s. A coastline service operating from Kedlington all the way to Umbron, with a high speed service covering a large portion of the route spiltting into 2 directions. In the late 1990s, the very North Darkenshire introduced a new train company named: Grand North Railways that ran High Speed services hourly from Grand Applethorn Station to Umbron. Over time, their services became more popular and combined with Ambycoaches to boost their services. GNR also has another High Speed service that runs from Roxing to the very far north bounds round towards the west to Salchester. Freight services are very important to this little island full of trains, they run at late nights and early mornings to and from Coy's Harbour towards Umbron and further.

* - Download AP sound packs for the full experience.


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